Credit Card
Direct Debit
Pay by bank
Payment Page
Error codes
Result codes
Test data
You may find further information on the payment method “Bluecode” here:
In order to test Bluecode e-commerce payments, you require a smart phone with an installed and activate Bluecode app.
We recommend that you call the following URLs directly on your smart phone:
Special note on iOS:
When first installing the sandbox app on iOS devices, it is necessary to establish trust for the business app “bluesource”. Do this by going to “Settings > General > Profiles & Devices” and confirming that you trust this app. Only then the Bluecode app may be used on iOS.
No “real” payments are processed in the Bluecode sandbox app, they are only simulated!
After a successful initialization a reference number and a redirect link is transmitted to the merchant. The transmitted link leads to the payment form, to which the customer must be redirected. This may be done via an HTTP redirect hreader, an HTML page with a meta tag or Javascript.
Provided by: GiroCheckout
Called by: Merchant
Use sale when the business case is complete, e.g. a shopping cart was offered, ordered and delivered to the customer. The customer's payment method is debited with the amount of the sale.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
merchantId | Yes | Integer | Merchant ID of a Bluecode project |
projectId | Yes | Integer | Project ID of a Bluecode project |
merchantTxId | Yes | String(255) | Unique merchant transaction ID. Allowed characters: any letters (incl. language-specific special characters such as German Umlauts), 0-9, symbols & = + , : ; . _ ! ? # / |
amount | Yes | Integer | If a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. Cent, Penny |
currency | Yes | String(3) | Currency of the transaction according to ISO 4217. EUR = Euro |
purpose | Yes | String(37) | Purpose of the transaction. This information appears on the settlement sheet. |
urlRedirect | Yes | String(2048) | URL, where the buyer is to be redirected after payment. |
urlNotify | Yes | String(2048) | URL, where the notification has to be sent after payment. |
kassenzeichen | Optional | String(255) | Optional field that allows passing an additional reference/identifier for the transaction. This value is displayed inside GiroCockpit as part of the transaction details (and soon export) and a search for it is also supported there. Characters must comply with the UTF-8 character set. |
hash | Yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash (see hash generation) |
curl -d "merchantId=1234567" \ -d "projectId=1234" \ -d "merchantTxId=1234567890" \ -d "amount=10000" \ -d "currency=EUR" \ -d "purpose=Beispieltransaktion" \ -d "urlRedirect=" \ -d "urlNotify=" \ -d "hash=1189b707a5eeab6ba79e6dc937abad0d" \
The response is a JSON object. The field rc returns an error code. If rc=0 is returned, the transaction was initialized successfully. As a response, you receive a transaction number and the redirectURL to the Bluecode payment page.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
rc | Yes | Integer | Error Codes |
msg | Yes | String(255) | Additional information in case of error |
reference | Optional | String(26) | Unique GiroCheckout transaction ID |
redirect | Optional | String(2048) | Redirect URL that leads the customer to the Bluecode payment page |
HEADER Parameters | |||
hash | Yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash over the complete JSON string. (see api call reply) |
hash : 899f05ca96d469efd99a550c5b29ed01
hash : b32ac9a94378b697ede4929bc0c564d2
{"reference":null,"redirect":null,"rc":5030,"msg":"amount ungültig"}
The result of a payment is sent to the URL specified in the urlNotify parameter. This notification serves the purpose of informing the merchant the result of the transaction. This information allows the modification of the order status in his shop.
The result (outcome) of the payment can be found in the field gcResultPayment.
URL: notifyUrl from transaction initialization
Provided by: Merchant
Called by: GiroCheckout
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
gcReference | Yes | String(36) | GiroCheckout transaction ID |
gcMerchantTxId | Yes | String(255) | Merchant transaction ID |
gcBackendTxId | Yes | String(26) | Transaction ID of the payment processor |
gcAmount | Yes | Integer | If a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. Cent, Penny |
gcCurrency | Yes | String(3) | Currency of the transaction according to ISO 4217. EUR = Euro |
gcResultPayment | Yes | Integer | Result codes |
gcHash | Yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash of the complete JSON string (see hash generation) |
One of the following HTTP status codes is expected as response to the GET request:
HTTP Status code | Description |
200 (OK) | Notification was processed correctly. |
400 (Bad Request) | The merchant didn't process the notification, but does not want to be notified again. |
All others | Notification not processed. It is repeated for a max. of 10 times until the merchant returns HTTP status 200 or 400. |
After finishing the payment, the customer may return to the merchant via a link. Currently, the redirect is only donde after the customer clicked the “Return to Shop” button, it is not done automatically.
URL: redirectUrl from transaction initialization
Provided by: Merchant
Called by: GiroCheckout
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
gcReference | Yes | String(36) | GiroCheckout transaction ID |
gcMerchantTxId | Yes | String(255) | Merchant transaction ID |
gcBackendTxId | Yes | String(26) | Transaction ID of the payment processor |
gcAmount | Yes | Integer | If a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. Cent, Penny |
gcCurrency | Yes | String(3) | Currency of the transaction according to ISO 4217. EUR = Euro |
gcResultPayment | Yes | Integer | Result codes |
gcHash | Yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash of the complete JSON string (see hash generation) |
A refund is to be used when a previous payment is to be returned fully or partially to the customer.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
merchantId | yes | Integer | Merchant ID |
projectId | yes | Integer | Project ID |
merchantTxId | yes | String(255) | Unique transaction id of the merchant. Allowed characters: any letters (incl. language-specific special characters such as German Umlauts), 0-9, symbols & = + , : ; . _ ! ? # / |
amount | yes | Integer | If a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, e.g. Cent, Penny |
currency | yes | String(3) | Currency according to ISO 4217. EUR = Euro |
reference | yes | String(36) | GiroCheckout transaction ID from a previous transaction, which the capture or refund is for |
purpose | optional | String(27) | Purpose of the refund. This information is printed on the credit card statement. |
hash | yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash on the complete call. See hash generation |
curl -d "merchantId=1234567" \ -d "projectId=1234" \ -d "merchantTxId=1234567890" \ -d "amount=100" \ -d "currency=EUR" \ -d "reference=fb70602d-c137-4413-8432-7dcc69a9d891" \ -d "hash=edb7459114db25c2991d1783d4ab5388" \
The reply is a JSON encoded string. The field rc contains the response code. If it is 0 the transaction was successfully initialized. The response also includes a transaction id and other information about the transaction.
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
rc | yes | Integer | response code |
msg | yes | String(255) | Additional information about the response code |
reference | yes | String(36) | Unique GiroCheckout transaction ID |
merchantTxId | yes | String(255) | Unique transaction id of the merchant |
backendTxId | yes | String(26) | Payment processor transaction ID |
amount | yes | Integer | If a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, e.g. Cent, Penny |
currency | yes | String(3) | Currency |
resultPayment | yes | Integer | Payment result codes |
HEADER parameter | |||
hash | yes | String(32) | HMAC MD5 hash on the complete JSON string. (see api call reply) |
{"reference":null,"referenceParent":null,"merchantTxId":null,"backendTxId":null,"amount":null,"currency":null,"resultPayment":"5200","rc":0,"msg":"Transaktion nicht akzeptiert"}