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Test Data

Blue Code

In order to test Bluecode e-commerce payments, you require a smart phone with an installed and activate Bluecode app.

We recommend that you call the following URLs directly on your smart phone:



  • After installation of the Bluecode sandbox app, you must define a personal PIN for access to it.
  • Then, please click on “Bankkonto verbinden” (connect bank account) and enter “test” in the bank search field.
  • This will cause the display of an entry “Activate a test user”. Click on it to add a test account.
  • Then please select the first entry “Hypo Tirol”.
  • Next, a Bluecode is displayed for payment.
  • In order to scan a QR code with your phone, tap the QR icon in the top left corner of your app to activate the camera.
  • Once scanned, the payable amount is displayed on your phone. Confirm the payment by swiping as indicated on-screen.

Special note on iOS:
When first installing the sandbox app on iOS devices, it is necessary to establish trust for the business app “bluesource”. Do this by going to “Settings > General > Profiles & Devices” and confirming that you trust this app. Only then the Bluecode app may be used on iOS.

No “real” payments are processed in the Bluecode sandbox app, they are only simulated!

Credit card

3-D Secure 2.0

Since 3-D Secure 2.0, please use the following 3DS2 enabled cards.

Case Card number
Without card holder authorisation 4012001037167778
With card holder authorisation 4012001037664444
With 3DS Method 4005559876540
With 3DS Method and card holder authorisation 4012001036853337

Card holder: Any
Card verification code (CVC2/CVV): any 3-digit number (is not validated)
Expiration date: any future date

When asked for address data in the credit card form, any data may be entered into all fields. This data is not validated in test mode.

Transaction results

Result code Answer Description
4000 Successful transaction After entering the above data and considering the following information, the transaction is successful:
Integer amount between 1,00 and 99,00
4502 Aborted transaction After clicking the button cancel you create an aborted transaction.

Direct debit

Bank account Bank code Response code Result type Description
1234567890 12345678 4000 successful transaction A successful payment will be created.
1212121211 12345679 4051 unsuccessful transaction An unsuccessful payment will be created.
IBAN Response code Result type Description
DE87123456781234567890 4000 Successful transaction A successful payment will be created.
DE23690516200012345600 5027 Unsuccessful transaction An unsuccessful transaction will be created.


field value
Verfügernummer/-name und PIN no input needed, click Login
mobile TAN any or empty

transaction result

result code answer description
4000 successful transaction After submission of the form by using the data above you create a successful transaction.
4900 unsuccessful transaction After clicking the button Zahlung abbrechen you create an unsuccessful transaction.


form value

transaction result

result code answer description
4000 successful transaction After submission of the form by using the data above there can be created a successful transaction.
unsuccessful transaction not supported


Klarna requires no test data for testing.


Form field Input value
Card number 6799990100000000019
Expiration date any valid future date
Card verification code (CVC2/CVV) any number of 3 or 4 digits (is not validated)

Please note that Maestro transactions in test mode can only be successful for full amounts without cents. Amounts with cents (such as 19,80 EUR) will always be declined.


For testing purpose there runs a PayPal simulation page. After initialisation of a PayPal payment the buyer is redirected to a simulation page. There can be chosen if the transaction should be finished successfully or unsuccessfully.


result code answer type description
4000 successful transaction The payment result can be chosen in the simulation page.
4900 unsuccessful transaction The payment result can be chosen in the simulation page.
en/girocheckout/testdata.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/03 07:43

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