Durch die Fusion von giropay mit paydirekt, erfährt die giropay-Schnittstelle derzeit diverse Änderungen. Auf dieser Seite erhalten Sie alle notwendigen Informationen hierzu, die Ihnen dabei helfen werden, einzuschätzen, ob Sie auf Ihrer Seite Anpassungen machen müssen und wenn dann welche.
Wir beschreiben Ihnen im Folgenden, was Sie beachten müssen, wenn Sie Ihr System für das neue giropay fit machen wollen.
Wählen Sie dazu Ihren Themenbereich:
Die SDKs (PHP, Java, .NET) befinden sich bereits auf dem aktuellen Stand und unterstützen das neue giropay. Sie finden die Dokumentationen dazu unter:
Transaktionen mit dem shoppingCartType „AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT“ (Behördenzahlungen) müssen keine weiteren Pflichtfelder übergeben.
Transaktionen mit dem shoppingCartType „AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT“ (Behördenzahlungen) von kommunalen Kunden, müssen keine weiteren Pflichtfelder mit übergeben.
Es sind in diesem Falle keine Besonderheite zu beachten.
An overview of the mappings between the APIs
GiroCheckout giropay | GiroCheckout Payment Page | Mandatory | Comment |
merchantId (8) | merchantId (8) | Yes | GiroCheckout authentication |
projectId (8) | projectId (8) | Yes | GiroCheckout authentication |
merchantTxId (255) | merchantTxId (255) | Yes | |
amount (7) | amount (7) | Yes | Amount in cents |
currency (3) | currency (3) | Yes | Only EUR allowed |
purpose (27) | purpose (50) | Yes | Same as before, 27 characters for giropay |
shoppingCartType | shoppingCartType | Optional | Type of the shopping cart. The following values are allowed: PHYSICAL = All goods in the cart are of a physical nature, DIGITAL = All goods in the cart are of a digital nature (require no shipping), MIXED = The cart contains both physical and digital goods (this is the default value should the parameter not be given), ANONYMOUS_DONATION = This is an anonymous donation and not a commercial transaction (no address data necessary), AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT = This is a payment for local authorities (no address data necessary). |
shippingAddresseFirstName(100) | paydirektShippingFirstName (100) | Yes / Optional | First name of shipping address, mandatory for shoppingCartTypes PHYSICAL, DIGITAL and MIXED, optional for ANONYMOUS_DONATION and AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT. |
shippingAddresseLastName (100) | paydirektShippingLastName (100) | Yes / Optional | Last name of shipping address, mandatory for shoppingCartTypes PHYSICAL, DIGITAL and MIXED, optional for ANONYMOUS_DONATION and AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT. |
shippingCompany (100) | paydirektShippingCompany (100) | Optional | Company name |
shippingAdditionalAddressInformation (100) | paydirektShippingAdditionalAddressInformation (100) | Optional | Additional address info |
shippingStreet (100) | paydirektShippingStreet (100 | Optional | Street |
shippingStreetNumber (100) | paydirektShippingStreetNumber (100) | Optional | House number |
shippingZipCode (10) | paydirektShippingZipCode (10) | Yes / Optional | Postal code of the shipping address. Mandatory for shoppingCartTypes PHYSICAL and MIXED, optional for DIGITAL, ANONYMOUS_DONATION and AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT. |
shippingCity (100) | paydirektShippingCity (100) | Yes / Optional | City of the shipping address. Mandatory for shoppingCartTypes PHYSICAL and MIXED, optional for DIGITAL, ANONYMOUS_DONATION and AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT. |
shippingCountry (2) | paydirektShippingCountry (2) | Yes / Optional | 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1). Mandatory for shoppingCartTypes PHYSICAL and MIXED, optional for DIGITAL, ANONYMOUS_DONATION and AUTHORITIES_PAYMENT. |
shippingEmail (255) | paydirektShippingEmail (255) | Yes / Optional | Email address of the buyer. Mandatory for shoppingCartType DIGITAL, optional for all others. |
merchantReconciliationReferenceNumber (30) | merchantReconciliationReferenceNumber (30) | Optional (30) | Additional information for the payment settlement that is displayed in the purpose of the bank statement. |
cart | cart | Optional | Shopping cart |
deliveryType | deliveryType | Optional | The destination of a shipment. The default value is STANDARD. STANDARD: The goods are delivered to an ordinary postal address.PACKSTATION: The goods are delivered to a self-service parcel terminal. STORE_PICKUP: The goods are collected from the store. |
bic (8-11) | Optional | No longer supported | |
iban (12-32) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info1Label (30) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info1Text (80) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info2Label (30) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info2Text (80) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info3Label (30) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info3Text (80) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info4Label (30) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info4Text (80) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info5Label (30) | Optional | No longer supported | |
info5Text (80) | Optional | No longer supported | |
urlRedirect | Yes | Redirect to the integrator | |
urlNotify | Yes | Notification to the integrator | |
hash | Yes | GiroCheckout authentication |
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