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en:testdata:eps [2014/08/14 08:26]
jeromejung created
en:testdata:eps [2021/04/12 14:32] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-It is nessecary to create a personal test accountDue to that, please contact us to receive your personal test data. [[|]]+^field  ^value^ 
 +|Verfügernummer/-name und PIN | no input needed, click Login | 
 +|mobile TAN | any or empty | 
 +**transaction result** 
 +^result code    ^answer              ^description ^ 
 +|4000        |successful transaction   |After submission of the form by using the data above you create a successful transaction. | 
 +|4900        |unsuccessful transaction   |After clicking the button **Zahlung abbrechen** you create an unsuccessful transaction
en/testdata/eps.1407997571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/12 14:29