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en:girocheckout:ideal:start [2014/05/15 09:30]
en:girocheckout:ideal:start [2023/05/07 08:09] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== iDEAL ====== ====== iDEAL ======
-Information about iDEAL can be found under  +===== Test data ===== 
- +{{page>en:testdata:ideal&noheader&nofooter}}
-===== test data ===== +
-An iDEAL payment can be tested by using the folowing data +
- +
-^form  ^value^ +
-|issuer | NLRABO2U152 | +
- +
- +
-**transaction result** +
- +
-^result code    ^ answer                    ^ description +
-|4000           |successful transaction | After submission of the form by using the data above there can be created a successful transaction. +
-|               |unsuccessful transaction | not supported | +
- +
- +
 ===== workflow ===== ===== workflow =====
Line 94: Line 79:
 **called by:** Händler **called by:** Händler
-== parameter ==+== POST parameter ==
 ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^ ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^
 |merchantId     |yes       |Integer   |Merchant ID | |merchantId     |yes       |Integer   |Merchant ID |
Line 108: Line 93:
 == JSON parameter == == JSON parameter ==
 ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^ ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^
-|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[girocheckout:errorcodes|error codes]] | +|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[en:girocheckout:errorcodes|error codes]] | 
-|msg            |yes       |String    |additional informationen about the response code |+|msg            |yes       |String(255)    |additional informationen about the response code |
 |issuer         |optional  |Mixed     |list of all supported issuer banks | |issuer         |optional  |Mixed     |list of all supported issuer banks |
Line 116: Line 101:
-==== initialise iDEAL payment ==== +==== Initialize iDEAL payment ==== 
-Torwards a successful initialisation you receive a reference number and an redirect link. The redirect link leads to the online banking account of the buyer's bank. He has to be redirected to his bank. This can be achieved by HTTP-Redirect-Header, HTML page with an corresponding Meta-Tag or JavaScript redirect.+After a successful initialization you receive a reference number and redirect link. The redirect link leads to the online banking account of the buyer's bank. He has to be redirected to his bank. This can be achieved by an HTTP-Redirect-Header, HTML page with corresponding Meta-Tag or JavaScript redirect.
 === request === === request ===
Line 124: Line 109:
 **called by:** Händler **called by:** Händler
-== parameter ==+== POST parameter ==
 ^name           ^mandatory  ^type        ^description   ^ ^name           ^mandatory  ^type        ^description   ^
 |merchantId     |yes       |Integer     |merchant ID of an iDEAL project | |merchantId     |yes       |Integer     |merchant ID of an iDEAL project |
 |projectId      |yes       |integer     |project ID of an iDEAL project | |projectId      |yes       |integer     |project ID of an iDEAL project |
-|merchantTxId   |yes       |String(255) |unique transaction id of the merchant |+|merchantTxId   |yes       |String(255) |unique transaction id of the merchant. Allowed characters: any letters (incl. language-specific special characters such as German Umlauts), 0-9, symbols & = + , : ; . _ ! ? # /  |
 |amount         |yes       |Integer     |if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny | |amount         |yes       |Integer     |if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny |
 |currency       |yes       |String(3)   |currency\\ EUR = Euro| |currency       |yes       |String(3)   |currency\\ EUR = Euro|
 |purpose        |yes       |String(27)  |purpose | |purpose        |yes       |String(27)  |purpose |
-|issuer         |yes       |String      |iDEAL Issuer Bank | +|issuer         |optional       |String(20)      |iDEAL Issuer Bank. If not given, redirects to bank selection page prior to payment. 
-|urlRedirect    |yes       |String      |URL, where the buyer has to be sent after payment | +|urlRedirect    |yes       |String(2048)      |URL, where the buyer has to be sent after payment | 
-|urlNotify      |yes       |String      |URL, where the notification has to be sent after payment | +|urlNotify      |yes       |String(2048)      |URL, where the notification has to be sent after payment 
-|hash           |yes       |String      |HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |+|kassenzeichen  |optional  |String(255)  |Optional field that allows passing an additional reference/identifier for the transaction. This value is displayed inside GiroCockpit as part of the transaction details (and soon export) and a search for it is also supported there. Characters must comply with the UTF-8 character set. 
 +|hash           |yes       |String(32)      |HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |
 == example == == example ==
Line 147: Line 133:
 == Parameter == == Parameter ==
 ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^ ^name           ^mandatory  ^type      ^description   ^
-|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[girocheckout:errorcodes|response code]] | +|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[en:girocheckout:errorcodes|response code]] | 
-|msg            |yes       |String    |additional information about the response code | +|msg            |yes       |String(255)    |additional information about the response code | 
-|reference      |optional |String    |unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | +|reference      |optional |String(36)    |unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | 
-|redirect       |optional |String    |redirect URL to the buyer'online banking account|+|redirect       |optional |String(2048)    |redirect URL to the online banking account
 +^HEADER parameter^^^^ 
 +|hash           |yes       |String(32)    |HMAC MD5 hash overall the JSON string. (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#api_call_reply_to_the_merchant|api call reply]]) |
 == example in case of success == == example in case of success ==
Line 157: Line 145:
 == example in case of error == == example in case of error ==
 {{page>codesamples:ideal#transactionstart.response.false&noheader&nofooter}} {{page>codesamples:ideal#transactionstart.response.false&noheader&nofooter}}
 ==== notification about the payment result ==== ==== notification about the payment result ====
Line 173: Line 160:
 == GET parameter == == GET parameter ==
 ^name             ^mandatory    ^  type        ^description   ^ ^name             ^mandatory    ^  type        ^description   ^
-|gcReference      |yes       |String      | unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | +|gcReference      |yes       |String(36)      | unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | 
-|gcMerchantTxId   |yes       | String     | merchant transaction ID | +|gcMerchantTxId   |yes       |String(255)      | merchant transaction ID | 
-|gcBackendTxId    |yes       |String      | payment processor transaction ID |+|gcBackendTxId    |yes       |String(8)      | payment processor transaction ID |
 |gcAmount         |yes       |Integer     | if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny | |gcAmount         |yes       |Integer     | if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny |
-|gcCurrency       |yes       |String      | currency | +|gcCurrency       |yes       |String(3)      | currency | 
-|gcResultPayment  |optional |Integer     | [[girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]| +|gcResultPayment  |yes       |Integer     | [[en:girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]| 
-|gcResultAVS      |optional |Integer     | [[girocheckout:resultcodes#altersverifikation|age verification result codes]] | +|gcHash           |yes       |String(32)      | HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |
-|gcHash           |yes       |String      | HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |+
 === reply === === reply ===
Line 200: Line 186:
 == GET parameter == == GET parameter ==
 ^name             ^mandatory    ^  type        ^description   ^ ^name             ^mandatory    ^  type        ^description   ^
-|gcReference      |yes       |String      | unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | +|gcReference      |yes       |String(36)      | unique GiroCheckout transaction ID | 
-|gcMerchantTxId   |yes       | String     | merchant transaction ID | +|gcMerchantTxId   |yes       |String(255)     | merchant transaction ID | 
-|gcBackendTxId    |yes       |String      | payment processor transaction ID |+|gcBackendTxId    |yes       |String(8)      | payment processor transaction ID |
 |gcAmount         |yes       |Integer     | if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny | |gcAmount         |yes       |Integer     | if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. cent, penny |
-|gcCurrency       |yes       |String      | currency | +|gcCurrency       |yes       |String(3)      | currency | 
-|gcResultPayment  |optional |Integer     | [[girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]| +|gcResultPayment  |yes       |Integer     | [[en:girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]| 
-|gcResultAVS      |optional |Integer     | [[girocheckout:resultcodes#altersverifikation|age verification result codes]] | +|gcHash           |yes       |String(32)      HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) | 
-|gcHash           |yes       |String      | HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |+ 
 +===== Retrieve sender information ===== 
 +This service allows the retrieval of the information associated to the sender of a completed transaction. As a response to the given reference number, the account holder, IBAN and BIC of the customer are returned.  This information may be used for a refund to the original payer. 
 +=== API call === 
 +**URL:** \\ 
 +**Provided by:** GiroCheckout \\ 
 +**Called by:** Merchant 
 +== POST Parameters == 
 +^Name           ^Mandatory  ^Type      ^Description   ^ 
 +|merchantId     |Yes       |Integer   |merchant ID of a iDEAL project | 
 +|projectId      |Yes       |Integer   |project ID of a iDEAL project 
 +|reference      |Yes       |String(36)|GiroCheckout transaction ID | 
 +|hash           |Yes       |String(32)|HMAC MD5 hash of the full JSON string. (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#api_call_reply_to_the_merchant|api call reply]])| 
 +== Example == 
 +=== Response === 
 +The response is a JSON object. The rc field returns an error code. If **rc = 0** is returned, the corresponding fields contain the sender information. 
 +== JSON Parameters == 
 +^Name           ^Mandatory  ^Type      ^Description   ^ 
 +|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[en:girocheckout:errorcodes|response code]] | 
 +|msg            |yes       |String(255)    |additional information about the response code in case of error| 
 +|accountholder  |Optional |String(255)    |Account holder of the sender account| 
 +|iban           |Optional |String(36)    |IBAN of the sender account | 
 +|bic            |Optional |String(11)   |BIC of the sender account | 
 +^HEADER parameter^^^^ 
 +|hash           |yes       |String(32)    |HMAC MD5 hash of the full JSON string. (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#api_call_reply_to_the_merchant|api call reply]]) | 
 +== Example in case of success == 
 +== Example in case of error == 
en/girocheckout/ideal/start.1400139057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/12 14:32