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en:girocheckout:eps:start [2021/03/03 17:58]
michaelheumann [workflow]
en:girocheckout:eps:start [2022/11/07 19:52]
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 ====== eps ====== ====== eps ======
-Information about eps can be found under [[|]]. 
 **eps can only process EURO payments.** **eps can only process EURO payments.**
Line 155: Line 154:
 |merchantId     |yes              |Integer     |merchant ID of an eps project | |merchantId     |yes              |Integer     |merchant ID of an eps project |
 |projectId      |yes              |integer     |project ID of an eps project | |projectId      |yes              |integer     |project ID of an eps project |
-|merchantTxId   |yes              |String(255) |unique transaction id of the merchant |+|merchantTxId   |yes              |String(255) |unique transaction id of the merchant. Allowed characters: any letters (incl. language-specific special characters such as German Umlauts), 0-9, symbols & = + , : ; . _ ! ? # /  |
 |amount         |yes              |Integer     |if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. Cent, Penny | |amount         |yes              |Integer     |if a decimal currency is used, the amount has to be in the smallest unit of value, eg. Cent, Penny |
 |currency       |yes              |String(3)   |currency\\ EUR = Euro| |currency       |yes              |String(3)   |currency\\ EUR = Euro|
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 |urlRedirect    |yes              |String      |URL, where the buyer has to be sent after payment | |urlRedirect    |yes              |String      |URL, where the buyer has to be sent after payment |
 |urlNotify      |yes              |String      |URL, where the notification has to be sent after payment | |urlNotify      |yes              |String      |URL, where the notification has to be sent after payment |
 +|kassenzeichen  |optional |String      |Optional field that allows passing an additional reference/identifier for the transaction. This value is displayed inside GiroCockpit as part of the transaction details (and soon export) and a search for it is also supported there. |
 |hash           |yes              |String      |HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) | |hash           |yes              |String      |HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |
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 |gcResultPayment  |yes       |Integer     | [[en:girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]| |gcResultPayment  |yes       |Integer     | [[en:girocheckout:resultcodes#zahlungsausgang|payment result codes]]|
 |gcHash           |yes       |String      | HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) | |gcHash           |yes       |String      | HMAC MD5 hash (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#hash_generation|hash generation]]) |
 +===== Retrieve sender information =====
 +This service allows the retrieval of the information associated to the sender of a completed transaction. As a response to the given reference number, the account holder, IBAN and BIC of the customer are returned.  This information may be used for a refund to the original payer.
 +=== API call ===
 +**URL:** \\
 +**Provided by:** GiroCheckout \\
 +**Called by:** Merchant
 +== POST Parameters ==
 +^Name           ^Mandatory  ^Type      ^Description   ^
 +|merchantId     |Yes       |Integer   |merchant ID of a eps project |
 +|projectId      |Yes       |Integer   |project ID of a eps project  |
 +|reference      |Yes       |String(36)|GiroCheckout transaction ID |
 +|hash           |Yes       |String(32)|HMAC MD5 hash of the full JSON string. (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#api_call_reply_to_the_merchant|api call reply]])|
 +== Example ==
 +=== Response ===
 +The response is a JSON object. The rc field returns an error code. If **rc = 0** is returned, the corresponding fields contain the sender information.
 +== JSON Parameters ==
 +^Name           ^Mandatory  ^Type      ^Description   ^
 +|rc             |yes       |Integer   |[[en:girocheckout:errorcodes|response code]] |
 +|msg            |yes       |String    |additional information about the response code in case of error|
 +|accountholder  |Optional |String    |Account holder of the sender account|
 +|iban           |Optional |String    |IBAN of the sender account |
 +|bic            |Optional |String    |BIC of the sender account |
 +^HEADER parameter^^^^
 +|hash           |yes       |String    |HMAC MD5 hash of the full JSON string. (see [[en:girocheckout:general:start#api_call_reply_to_the_merchant|api call reply]]) |
 +== Example in case of success ==
 +== Example in case of error ==
en/girocheckout/eps/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/05/05 03:29