Updated internal SDK for connection to Girocheckout API for compatibility with some API changes.
V 4.1.6 (13-07-2023)
Fixed bug that caused hash error in giropay payments.
V 4.1.5 (28-12-2022)
Implement support for new giropay.
Updated the iDEAL logo.
V 4.1.4 (21-02-2022)
Added support for payment methods Maestro and Bluecode.
Allow reservations and captures: reservation is now configurable in backend as default transaction type for credit card, direct debit and paydirekt. If reservation is configured, all payments are made with that type and the capture is then made when the order state is changed to the one configured.
Allow refunds: In order overview in the shop system, allow the merchant to initiate a refund.
V 4.1.3 (24-05-2021)
Changed paydirekt logo to the new one
Changed corporate info from GiroSolution to S-Public Services.
V 4.1.2 (23-02-2021)
Added support for 3-D Secure 2.0. Mandatory address data is now sent to payment server for credit card payments, so it is not requested upon credit card data entry.
V 4.1.0 (16-09-2019)
For giropay, eps, iDEAL and direct debit, removed the Javascript widget and the field(s) for entering the BIC and/or IBAN or selecting the bank. All transactions will now be initialized without BIC/IBAN so the external form service is used. Entering the bank data within the plugin is no longer supported.
V 4.0.8 (06-08-2018)
Fixed problem with ENTER key in subform for giropay, direct debit, eps and iDEAL.
V 4.0.7 (03-08-2018)
Fixed problems when Prestashop debug mode was active.
V 4.0.6 (19-07-2018)
For Prestashop 1.7 and newer, it is now possible to configure the countries where each GiroCheckout payment method is to be available. So far, this was only possible for all payment methods at once through Prestashop country configuration.
Improved installation instructions in readme.txt for Prestashop 1.7.
Completed German translations of admin backend.
V 4.0.5 (04-06-2018)
For Prestashop 1.6 and older, the display of an order summary before payment may now be enabled or disabled. In 1.7 and newer, this summary is part of the shopsystem anyway.
V 4.0.4 (07-08-2017)
Another tax display fix in new shopping cart template.
V 4.0.3 (21-07-2017)
Modified the front end templates for correct tax display.
4.0.2 (23-06-2017)
Added the shopping-cart summary, shipping and delivery address and the terms & conditions to the girocheckout payment methods, on the last checkout page.
Plugin can now be installed through the built-in module manager.
V 4.0.1 (30-03-2017)
Fix wrong assignment value to variables in template 'payment_return.tpl'.
V 4.0.0 (27-03-2017)
Apply changes for Prestashop v.
Add the SDK v. 2.1.8.
Adapt the code to work with Prestashop versions and
V 3.0.4 (16-01-2017)
Modify all the confirmation payment pages. Modify texts, order buttons and frame size.
V 3.0.3 (27-10-2016)
Fix problem with purpose in admin page, validate and initialize the purpose.