Each API call response contains an error code (rc) in the JSON structure. These error codes may also be used as gcResultPayment in the notification or redirect messages.
rc | Description |
0 | ok, no error |
5000 | authentication failed |
5001 | no authorization |
5002 | invalid hash |
5003 | mandatory field not specified |
5004 | invalid call |
5009 | invalid mail |
5010 | invalid language |
5011 | invalid country |
5012 | invalid branch |
5013 | invalid shop system |
5014 | invalid gender |
5015 | invalid product |
5016 | invalid organisation type |
5017 | merchant already exist |
5018 | invalid PSP |
5019 | invalid credit card type |
5020 | invalid merchantId |
5021 | invalid projectId |
5022 | invalid merchantTxId |
5023 | invalid purpose |
5024 | invalid bankcode |
5025 | invalid bankaccount |
5026 | invalid bic |
5027 | invalid iban |
5028 | invalid mobile |
5029 | invalid pkn |
5030 | invalid amount |
5031 | bankcode or BIC missing |
5032 | invalid mandateSequence |
5033 | invalid currency |
5034 | transaction does not exist |
5035 | invalid validity date for secured order |
5040 | invalid info1Label |
5041 | invalid info1Text |
5042 | invalid info2Label |
5043 | invalid info2Text |
5044 | invalid info3Label |
5045 | invalid info3Text |
5046 | invalid info4Label |
5047 | invalid info4Text |
5048 | invalid info5Label |
5049 | invalid info5Text |
5050 | invalid recurring |
5051 | invalid mandateReference |
5052 | invalid mandateSignedOn |
5053 | invalid mandateReceiverName |
5054 | invalid issuer |
5055 | invalid urlRedirect |
5056 | invalid urlNotify |
5060 | amount or currency not missing |
5061 | invalid purposetext |
5062 | invalid paymentreference |
5063 | invalid format |
5064 | invalid resolution |
5065 | error by creating image |
5066 | purpose and paymentreference given |
5067 | invalid receiveriban |
5068 | invalid receiverbic |
5069 | invalid purposecode |
5070 | invalid receivername |
5071 | receivername, receiveriban or receiverbic not given |
5072 | invalid customerLastName |
5073 | invalid customerStreet |
5074 | invalid customerStreetNumber |
5075 | invalid customerZipCode |
5076 | invalid customerCity |
5077 | invalid customerCountry |
5078 | invalid customerBirthDate |
5079 | invalid customerGender |
5080 | invalid customerEmail |
5081 | invalid customerIp |
5082 | invalid customerId |
5083 | invalid shopId |
5084 | invalid customerFirstName |
5085 | invalid accountHolder |
5086 | invalid type |
5087 | invalid invoiceId |
5088 | invalid shippingCompany |
5089 | invalid shippingAdditionalAddressInformation |
5090 | invalid orderId |
5091 | invalid pricemodel |
5092 | invalid shoppingCartType |
5093 | invalid merchantReconciliationReferenceNumber |
5094 | invalid description |
5095 | Paypage: invalid page type |
5096 | Paypage: invalid expiration date |
5097 | Paypage: invalid payment method(s) |
5098 | Paypage: invalid organitation name |
5099 | Paypage: invalid value for free amount |
5100 | error from payment processor |
5101 | connection problem to payment processor |
5102 | pseudo-cardnumber does not exist |
5103 | invalid giropay merchantId |
5104 | invalid paypage timeout |
5105 | TDS20: Invalid address |
5106 | TDS20: Invalid post code |
5107 | TDS20: Invalid city |
5108 | TDS20: Invalid country |
5109 | TDS20: Invalid email |
5110 | TDS20: Invalid optional field |
5111 | TDS20: Please provide at least all fields except Optional |
5112 | TDS20: You must provide the other fields along with Optional |
5113 | Paypage: Invalid format of the notification text (see API documentation) |
5114 | Paypage: Reference must be payment page transaction |
5115 | Paypage: Invalid DeliveryType |
5116 | Paypage: Invalid Kassenzeichen |
5117 | Paypage: Invalid backUrl |
5118 | Paypage: Invalid failUrl |
5119 | Paypage: Invalid successUrl |
5120 | Paypage: Invalid notifyUrl |
5121 | Paypage: Invalid merchantOrderReferenceNumber |
5122 | Paypage: Invalid value for qrcodeReturn |
5200 | not accepted transaction |
5201 | giropay bank offline |
5202 | invalid giropay bank of sender |
5203 | sender bank account blacklisted |
5204 | invalid sender bank account |
5205 | transaction limit exceeded |
5206 | Invalid anrede |
5207 | Invalid phone |
5208 | Invalid basket |
5209 | Invalid shipping info |
5210 | Invalid address info |
5211 | Invalid customer info |
5500 | Paypage: invalid value in fixed amounts |
5501 | Paypage: invalid minimum amount |
5502 | Paypage: invalid maximum amount |
5503 | Paypage: invalid project list |
5504 | Paypage: invalid value for single |
5505 | Paypage single: Already used |
5506 | Invalid URL (CPSP) |
5507 | Project is not in CPSP mode |
5508 | Merchant limit exceeded (CPSP API) |
6001 | bank unknown |
6002 | bank does not support giropay |
7000 | risk check positive |
7001 | risk check negative |
9999 | internal error |